We frequently come across patients with deteriorated oral health, who tell us that they deliberately delay or avoid going to a dental clinic because they are too afraid to do it. Many may think that phobias related to dental professionals and procedures are only seen in children – they are very common in adults too. Fortunately, the latest advancements in dentistry have made it possible for patients to leave their anxiety and fear behind when they’re in the dental chair. One of the most effective ways of performing procedures on such individuals is through twilight sedation.

Twilight sedation is a form of anaesthesia that has shown outstanding results in the field of dentistry. No matter how agitated you feel, once the drug has been administered, you will be able to calm down completely. The best part? You won’t have any memory of the procedure that was performed on you when the effects of the anaesthesia finally wear off.

How does twilight sedation dentistry work and is it safe?

Twilight sedation is currently being offered at all advanced dental clinics and oral healthcare facilities. This is because it is safe, FDA approved, and has many different advantages associated with it – for the patients, as well as the dental team. The drug can be administered either via inhalation or intravenously. The anaesthetic agent used in this case is the very same as the one used for general anaesthesia, but in a much smaller dose. Once the effects start setting in, you may feel very lightheaded and sleepy. The drug that is commonly used for this procedure is known as Propofol, but in case of younger patients, Ketamine may also be used.

It is important to understand that with twilight sedation, you will not lose consciousness. You will remain awake during the entire procedure, and will also be able to communicate with the dental team if needed. However, loss of memory for the time period is one of the most desirable effects of sedation dentistry.

Patients who experience anxiety are not left with any unpleasant memories of the procedure that may prevent them from coming back in the future for treatments, or for routine checkups.

The drug does not alter any other part of the memory in any way – and you can rest assured that you will be able to remember everything that happened before the anaesthesia was administered easily once the effects start wearing off.

Dental Patient

How does twilight sedation help patients?

Here are some of the most prominent ways in which sedation dentistry is beneficial for patients:

  • Excellent management of pain and discomfort during the dental surgery
  • Helps the patient feel comfortable in the dental chair, and also helps the body relax
  • Effects wear off much sooner than those of general anaesthesia
  • Safe, speedy recovery
  • No loss of consciousness
  • Patient can communicate with the dental team and follow simple instructions given by the surgeon during the procedure
  • The patients simply feel very sleepy, yet relaxed and that is the extent of it
  • The chances of headache, nausea and vomiting are much lower in case of twilight sedation dentistry, as compared to general anaesthesia
  • Ideal for complex dental procedures such as multiple impaction extractions, root canal treatments, veneer/crown/bridge preparation, soft tissue surgeries, cyst removals and cosmetic dental surgeries.
  • Patients wake up with no memory of the procedure that took place while they were in twilight sleep, helping them feel more positive, and less anxious about their next visit.
  • Multiple procedures can be performed while the patient is sedated, to cut the total treatment time short and to reduce the number of visits.

Twilight sedation dentistry at Southern Smiles Dental

At Southern Smiles Dental, we strive to give our patients the oral healthcare they need and deserve. Twilight dentistry has helped our patients maintain outstanding dental health and hygiene despite their anxiety or phobias. Rest assured that while you are sedated, our expert anaesthesiologists will keep a close eye on you, monitoring your vitals, heart rate and breathing throughout, till you recover. We offer consultation sessions prior to the surgery to help our patients understand what is twilight sedation like, what are the possible side effects, and how it is being used in dentistry today. This also gives you a chance to have all your concerns and queries regarding anaesthesia addressed professionally.

If you have been missing your routine dental checkups, and currently have a tooth that requires treatment – leave all your worries behind. We have a solution that will ensure a perfectly comfortable, painless and stress-free experience for you at the clinic. If you wish to learn more about twilight sedation, or other types of anaesthesia used in dentistry, simply give us a call and book an appointment with our team of experts today!

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