An IV sedation dentist provides the opportunity to have important dental work done while under a sedative drug. The sedative is usually administered by injection and it induces you into a deeply relaxed state. Let’s take a closer look at what IV sedation dentists do and how sedation can benefit you.


IV Sedation Makes Dentistry Possible For Anxious Patients

One of the biggest sedation benefits is that it allows really anxious patients to get the treatment they need. Some people have an overwhelming fear of the dentist and avoid their appointments, and this means they do not get the dental care they need to look after their oral health.


IV sedation helps people who

  • Have a fear of the dentist
  • Have a fear of needles
  • Have a strong gag reflex
  • Struggle to manage pain

It’s also suitable for people who have tooth sensitivity and patients who need complex dental procedures performed.


IV Sedation Dentistry Is A Comfortable Experience

When you are under the influence of sedation you are largely unaware of the dental treatment being performed. Afterwards, you will wake up without remembering the procedure, which is ideal if you have a phobia for the dentist stemming from a traumatic experience. Essentially, it gives you the opportunity to reframe dentistry and your experience of it.

An IV Sedation Dentist Ensures Children And People With Special Needs Have Dental Treatment

IV sedation is ideal for children who cannot keep their mouths open for the duration of their treatment, or who cannot sit still in the dentist’s chair.

It is also ideal for people who have special needs or processing disorders. People with processing disorders experience hypersensitivity and intense discomfort and being under sedation enables the dentist to perform important dental treatments without that discomfort.

An IV Sedation Dentist Gets To Work Quickly

Because it is administered through your bloodstream, intravenous sedation takes effect very quickly. And its effects wear off just as quickly afterward.


An IV Sedation Dentist can customise sedation for your Needs

Intravenous sedation is available in different levels ranging from minimal to deep sedation. The level of sedation you are given is relative to the level of anxiety you experience. Your dentist will discuss your needs with you before you agree to a dose.


Minimal sedation

In minimal sedation, you are fully awake but deeply relaxed. This type of sedation is often inhaled as nitrous oxide or laughing gas. If you are administered laughing gas you will be able to drive home yourself after the procedure.


Moderate sedation

With moderate sedation, you may find yourself becoming tongue-tied and slurring when you speak. You probably will not remember anything from your procedure.

Moderate sedation can be administered orally or intravenously.


Deep sedation

If you are under deep sedation you are on the verge of being unconscious but you can be woken up.


General anaesthetic

With general anaesthesia, you are unconscious and cannot wake up until the anaesthetic has worn off. This is usually administered in a clinical environment.


What dose of sedative is for you?

It is a good idea to have a test run before your procedure so that your dentist has a good idea of what is a good dose for you. It is also possible for your dentist to increase your dose during the procedure if the original amount was not enough.


IV Sedation Can Be Administered In Different Ways

Intravenous means through your veins and IV sedatives are administered by injection. There are other types of sedatives that can be administered in different ways, such as inhaling or by taking pills.


Get More Dental Work Done Faster

Sedation is ideal for long and complex procedures because it allows your dentist to do more in a shorter timeframe. Sometimes complex procedures are divided into a few smaller ones to make things more manageable for the patient. When the patient is under sedation, longer procedures can be completed in less time.


Sedation Is Pretty Versatile

It is possible to be sedated for any dental procedure: from a simple routine check-up through to more invasive procedures.


IV Sedation Is Considered Safe

In the vast majority of cases, sedation is considered safe, although you will need to tick some checkboxes before your dentist will consider you a candidate. Patients who are obese or who suffer from sleep apnoea are far more likely to experience side effects and complications.


During the procedure, your dentist should monitor your vital signs to ensure that you are coping well with your dose. He or she should have oxygen and medication to reverse the effects in the event that this is required.


At Southern Smiles Dental our objective is to make the dental experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We’d love to welcome you to our practice. Give us a call to speak to an IV sedation dentist: 02 8503 9902

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